Controller privilege required for streaming control

Thanks for the insight Emmanuel.

I wasn’t able to receive a similar response.

The remainder of the arv-tool-0.8 commands (genicam, features, values, etc.) look to be functioning. It looks like my sensor doesn’t support a GevHeartbeatTimeout as a defined feature.

I did see your post regarding alternative access method: How to restart after "control-lost" signal - #6 by Emmanuel

The Emergent_HR-20000 sensors have their GevHeartbeatTimeout specified by the following instead (using “arv-tool-0.8 values”):
Category : ‘TransportLayerControl’
Integer : ‘PayloadSize’ = 19660800
Boolean : ‘GevSCPSDoNotFragment’ = true
Boolean : ‘GevSCPSBigEndian’ = false
Integer : ‘GevSCPSPacketSize’ = 9000
Integer : ‘TLParamsLocked’ = 0
Integer : ‘HBTimeout’ = 5000
Boolean : ‘HBDisable’ = true

It looks like the GevHeartbeatTimeout = HBTimeout, but the heartbeat is disabled at the moment (HBDisable).