Basler a2A1920-165g5m - Stream working but cannot set some features

Hello everyone,
This is my first time with Aravis. I’ve only used proprietary sdks in the past to acquire streams from cameras. So, I ask you to bear with me with my questions.
I am able to acquire the stream from a Basler a2A1920-165g5m with aravissrc. However, I am not able to set few features that would configure the stream. Here they are along with the values I am trying to set for them. I made sure the proprietary SDK was not accessing the camera, so I am not able to make sense of what “access denied” means.

LUTValueAll=0x00(Long Hex String Here)

$ arv-tool-0.10 -n control BslMultipleROIColumnOffset=1936
BslMultipleROIColumnOffset write error: [BslMultipleROIColumnOffset] [d_1720] [d_1711] [d_503] GigEVision write_memory error (access-denied)
$ arv-tool-0.10 -n control BslMultipleROIRowOffset=1216
BslMultipleROIRowOffset write error: [BslMultipleROIRowOffset] [d_1742] [d_1733] [d_511] GigEVision write_memory error (access-denied)
$ arv-tool-0.10 -n control BslBrightness=0.016
BslBrightness write error: [BslBrightness] [d_1517] [d_1515] [d_1513] [d_1514] GigEVision write_memory error (access-denied)
$ arv-tool-0.10 -n control BslContrast=0.215
BslContrast write error: [BslContrast] [d_1512] [d_1510] [d_1508] [d_1509] GigEVision write_memory error (access-denied)
$ arv-tool-0.10 -n control LineMode=Output
LineMode write error: [LineMode] [LineMode] Value 1 not found
$ arv-tool-0.10 -n control LUTValueAll=0x(long string here)
LUTValueAll write error: Don't know how to set value from string

I attempted debugging these and found that I am able to set BslBrightness=0 or BslBrightness=0.5

$ arv-tool-0.10 -n  control BslBrightness=0.0
BslBrightness = 0 min:-1 max:1
$ arv-tool-0.10 -n  control BslBrightness=0.5
BslBrightness = 0.5 min:-1 max:1

With Wireshark, I could see that when trying to set BslBrightness, the command sent is WRITEMEM_CMD
where as when Basler’s Pylon viewer tries to set BslBrightness, the command is WRITEREG_CMD

Could this be the reason arv-tool-0.10 is not able to set the feature value? How do I fix this?

With BslMultipleROIColumnOffset=1936 and BslMultipleROIRowOffset=1216, my values could be out of range but the error is “access denied”

Also, what is right way to set the value of register using arv-tool-0.10? I tried providing a long hex string, that doesn’t work. This is in the features reported by arv-tool-0.10

Register     : [RW] 'LUTValueAll'



You are saying you are able to acquire a video stream using aravissrc, and not be able to set camera features. Are you trying to use arv-tool while the gstreamer pipeline is running ? That is not possible, as the streamer plugin has exclusive access to the device.
