I am working for Pellenc ST, a company located in Pertuis, Vaucluse, France. We are manufacturing optical sorting devices for waste sorting centers and we are using Baumer LX 3D cameras in our products and looking for a simulation solution for it (unfortunately Baumer does not provide any sim solution).
I’d like to get in touch with you about estimating the effort for supporting this device (at least the features we are using). We are using the Baumer API on Debian, but for what I know the camera 3D features are done with an applet which is flashed onto the device. We have budgeted some money for the implementation the simulator and we would like to know what is possible to do.
If I have understood correctly, you want to build a Baumer simulator, with the 3D feature, probably using aravis own camera simulator as a start.
The amount of work completely depend on which features you want to emulate, and if you want to use the baumer software on the client side.
Aravis simulator only implements the bare minimum to display an image in aravis viewer, and doesn’t support packet resend request. I think the code should be pretty straightforward to understand, if not as clean as I’d like (the control part should be in a different thread than the streaming code for example).
Thank you for your fast response.
Do you provide consulting services ? Would you be kind enough to contact me at o dot pisano at pellencst dot com, so I can expose you what we intend to do ?
Sorry for the late reply, I did not see your message.
No, sorry. Apart from developing Aravis, I’m only doing the minimum support in order to gather feedback and issue reports about Aravis that helps me improving it.