Black screen and 0 FPS with iPort Pleora CL + CRED3


I can not get the image to show in arv-viewer.
My configuration is:

  • OS: Centos 7
  • Device: iPort Pleora CL-GigE
  • Camera: CRED3 First Light imaging
  • Aravis 0.4.(I know 0.4 is an old version but i need it because the rest of the project uses only this.)

The problem is that i received packets, but i can watch it. All packets are ignored_packets and i can watch it in the screen.

First i test with 0.6 but the result was the same.

I test with debug all and with camera test and the results are:

[GvDevice::new] Interface address =
[GvDevice::new] Device address =
[GvDevice::load_genicam] xml url = ';3fff8000;9c7f' at 0x200
[GvDevice::load_genicam] Xml address = 0x3fff8000 - size = 0x9c7f -
[GvDevice::load_genicam] Zipped xml data
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'VendorName'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'ToolTip'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'StandardNameSpace'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'SchemaMajorVersion'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'SchemaMinorVersion'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'SchemaSubMinorVersion'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'MajorVersion'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'MinorVersion'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'SubMinorVersion'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'ProductGuid'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'VersionGuid'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'xmlns'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'xmlns:xsi'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'xsi:schemaLocation'
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Visibility)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Streamable)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Visibility)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Visibility)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Visibility)
.......... (many)

[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (EventID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (ChunkID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (ChunkID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (ChunkID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (ChunkID)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Visibility)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknow tag (Visibility)
[GvDevice::new] Packet resend = yes
[GvDevice::new] Write memory = yes
[GvDevice::create_stream] Number of stream channels = 1
[GvDevice::create_stream] Packet size = 8976 byte(s)
[GvStream::stream_thread] Packet timeout = 40 ms
[GvStream::stream_thread] Frame retention = 200 ms
[GvDevice::create_stream] Stream port = 57732
[ArvDevice::get_float_feature_bounds] Node 'ExposureTimeAbs' is not a float
[ArvDevice::get_integer_feature_bounds] Node 'GainRaw' is not an integer
[ArvDevice::get_float_feature_value] Node 'AcquisitionFrameRate' is not a float
[ArvDevice::get_string_feature_value] Node 'GainAuto' is not a string
[ArvDevice::get_string_feature_value] Node 'GainAuto' is not a string
[ArvDevice::get_string_feature_value] Node 'GainAuto' is not a string
[ArvDevice::get_string_feature_value] Node 'ExposureAuto' is not a string
[ArvDevice::get_integer_feature_value] Node 'GainRaw' is not an integer
[ArvDevice::get_float_feature_value] Node 'ExposureTimeAbs' is not a float
  bins  ;Buffer r
       0;       0
>=   200;       0
<      0;       0
min     ;     n/a
max     ;     n/a
last max
at:     ;       0
Counter =        0
[GvStream::finalize] n_completed_buffers    = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_failures             = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_timeouts             = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_aborteds             = 1
[GvStream::finalize] n_underruns            = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_missing_frames       = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_size_mismatch_errors = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_received_packets     = 7294
[GvStream::finalize] n_missing_packets      = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_error_packets        = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_ignored_packets      = 7294
[GvStream::finalize] n_resend_requests      = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_resent_packets       = 0
[GvStream::finalize] n_duplicated_packets   = 7293
[Stream::finalize] Flush 49 buffer[s] in input queue
[Stream::finalize] Flush 1 buffer[s] in output queue

and for camera test i have this results:

[root@localhost tests]# ./arv-camera-test 
Looking for the first available camera
vendor name         = Pleora Technologies Inc.
model name          = iPORT-CL-Ten-Full
device id           = 
image width         = 640
image height        = 512
horizontal binning  = 0
vertical binning    = 0
payload             = 327680 bytes
exposure            = 0 µs
gain                = 0 dB
Frame rate = 0 Hz
Frame rate = 0 Hz
Frame rate = 0 Hz
Frame rate = 0 Hz
Frame rate = 0 Hz
Frame rate = 0 Hz
Frame rate = 0 Hz
^CFrame rate = 0 Hz
Completed buffers = 0
Failures          = 0
Underruns         = 0

Do you have any idea what could be happening? Many thanks !


It is unlikely you will find help with such an ancient version of Aravis. Please test the latest aravis version (0.8.29). If the issue persists, open an issue report on github. If the latest Aravis version works, you have several years of commits to look into and find when your issue was fixed.

