Can't build Aravis with Visual Studio 2019


Could please anybody help me to build Aravis with Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10?
First, I try to use Docker Compose version v2.15.1:

docker-compose -f aravis-msvc.yml up

and got the error:

Non-string key at top level: true

OK, I copied INPUT_CONANFILE content into conanfile.txt and run directly (Conan version 1.58.0):

conan install -s os="Windows" -s compiler="Visual Studio" -s compiler.version="16" -s arch="x86_64" -s build_type="Release" -b pcre -b missing -b cascade -if build .

and then got:

gstreamer/1.19.1: ERROR: Package '78f1f36244292688c6629160bf5378be41907a9c' build failed
gstreamer/1.19.1: WARN: Build folder C:\Users\shasha.INTRA\.conan\data\gstreamer\1.19.1\_\_\build\78f1f36244292688c6629160bf5378be41907a9c
ERROR: gstreamer/1.19.1: Error in build() method, line 98
        meson = self._configure_meson()
while calling '_configure_meson', line 92
        ConanException: Error 9009 while executing meson "C:\Users\shasha.INTRA\.conan\data\gstreamer\1.19.1\_\_\build\78f1f36244292688c6629160bf5378be41907a9c\source_subfolder" "C:\Users\shasha.INTRA\.conan\data\gstreamer\1.19.1\_\_\build\78f1f36244292688c6629160bf5378be41907a9c\build_subfolder" --backend=ninja -Dprefix="C:\Users\shasha.INTRA\.conan\data\gstreamer\1.19.1\_\_\package\78f1f36244292688c6629160bf5378be41907a9c" -Dlibdir="lib" -Dbindir="bin" -Dsbindir="bin" -Dlibexecdir="bin" -Dincludedir="include" -Ddefault_library="shared" -Db_vscrt="md" -Dtools="disabled" -Dexamples="disabled" -Dbenchmarks="disabled" -Dtests="disabled" -Dintrospection="disabled" --wrap-mode=nofallback --buildtype=release

Not actual for me any more.

Were you able to compile aravis with visual studio?
could you indicate the steps, I’m having a problem of

Found pkg-config: NO
Found CMake: NO
Run-time dependency glib-2.0 found: NO ERROR: Dependency lookup for glib-2.0 with method ‘pkgconfig’ failed: Pkg-config for machine host machine not found. Giving up.


Yes, I was successful to build Aravis with Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10. It was very terrible. Now I do not remember the steps I did. If you want, I can send you my binaries. I use them to work with ImagingSource DFK 37AUX226 camera. Everything works fine.

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yes, please.

Could you send me your binaries?

And i will try to compile aravis. it’s a great challenge!

Here the binaries: — Яндекс Диск
Aravis build x64 with Visual Studio 2019.

Sorry, I forgot: for Aravis also you need glib-2.0 build: — Яндекс Диск

Thanks! a lot!!

Sorry, but I was going about it the wrong way.

The line to follow is:
aravis/.github/workflows/aravis-msvc.yml at main · AravisProject/aravis

Using this option we can use conan to download and compile all the dependencies and the aravis library.

set my profile.

conan profile new default --detect

compile with all missing libraries.

conan install --requires=aravis/0.8.30 --build=missing