Hello, I managed to make aravis work on Ubuntu.
I would like to do the same for windows 10.
I downloaded the last version of aravis available in zip format.
I then installed Msys2 and I typed the following command: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-aravis-gst
But when I run the command: meson build
I get the following errors:
Meson says quite clearly (in red) that pkg-config and glib-2.0 was not found. But thenā¦ why do you need those? Perhaps you have some confusion between building and installing a package? (Sorry if that is clear, but it just looks like you do). pacman -S will download a compiled version, you donāt need to run meson at all. Go directly to to running arv-viewer-0.8.exewhich is in the mingw-w64-x86_64-aravis-gst package already.
If you have a reason that you want to build the package locally by yourself, please explain more.
C:\CODE2\aravis>meson setup build --backend=vs --cross-file cross_file.txt
The Meson build system
Version: 1.4.1
Source dir: C:\CODE2\aravis
Build dir: C:\CODE2\aravis\build
Build type: cross build
Project name: aravis
Project version: 0.9.0
C compiler for the host machine: cl (msvc 19.40.33812 "Compilador de optimizaciļæ½n de C/C++ de Microsoft (R) versiļæ½n 19.40.33812 para x86")
C linker for the host machine: link link 14.40.33812.0
C++ compiler for the host machine: cl (msvc 19.40.33812 "Compilador de optimizaciļæ½n de C/C++ de Microsoft (R) versiļæ½n 19.40.33812 para x86")
C++ linker for the host machine: link link 14.40.33812.0
C compiler for the build machine: cl (msvc 19.40.33812 "Compilador de optimizaciļæ½n de C/C++ de Microsoft (R) versiļæ½n 19.40.33812 para x86")
C linker for the build machine: link link 14.40.33812.0
C++ compiler for the build machine: cl (msvc 19.40.33812 "Compilador de optimizaciļæ½n de C/C++ de Microsoft (R) versiļæ½n 19.40.33812 para x86")
C++ linker for the build machine: link link 14.40.33812.0
Auto detected Visual Studio backend: vs2022
Build machine cpu family: x86
Build machine cpu: x86
Host machine cpu family: x86_64
Host machine cpu: x86_64
Target machine cpu family: x86_64
Target machine cpu: x86_64
Compiler for C supports arguments /wd4244: YES
Compiler for C supports arguments /wd4090: YES
Compiler for C supports arguments /utf-8: YES
Found pkg-config: NO
Found CMake: NO
Run-time dependency glib-2.0 found: NO
meson.build:59:11: ERROR: Dependency lookup for glib-2.0 with method 'pkgconfig' failed: Pkg-config for machine host machine not found. Giving up.
A full log can be found at C:\CODE2\aravis\build\meson-logs\meson-log.txt
And cross_file.txt
c = 'cl'
cpp = 'cl'
ar = 'lib'
ld = 'link'
exe_wrapper = 'wine' # Ajusta esto segĆŗn sea necesario, por ejemplo, para pruebas en un entorno no Windows.
[built-in options]
c_args = ['/I"C:\\CODE\\modulos\\gstreamer\\include"', '/MD', '/DWIN32', '/D_WINDOWS', '/W3']
cpp_args = ['/I"C:\\CODE\\modulos\\gstreamer\\include"', '/MD', '/DWIN32', '/D_WINDOWS', '/W3', '/GR', '/EHsc']
c_link_args = ['/LIBPATH:"C:\\CODE\\modulos\\gstreamer\\bin"']
cpp_link_args = ['/LIBPATH:"C:\\CODE\\modulos\\gstreamer\\bin"']
c_std = 'c11'
cpp_std = 'c++17'
system = 'windows'
cpu_family = 'x86_64'
cpu = 'x86_64'
endian = 'little'