Gstreamer fails with IDS Imaging USB3 Vision Camera

Hello there,

I just got Aravis plugin build and trying to test it with IDS Imaging USB3 Vision camera. The Avr-viewer detects it, but it looks like it is failing out. The FPS goes to zero.

When I test with gstreamer : gst-launch-1.0 aravissrc ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink -v

I will get this error:

Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAravis:aravis0: Internal data stream error.
Additional debug info:
gstbasesrc.c(3072): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAravis:aravis0:
streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
Execution ended after 0:00:00.000148446
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...

Any help will greatly appreciate.


More information with the ARV Debugging on

ARV_DEBUG=all gst-launch-1.0 aravissrc ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink -v
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
[11:33:40.242] πŸ…Έ interface> Found 1 USB3Vision device (among 6 USB devices)
[11:33:40.244] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] GUID    = 1409f4e4f184
[11:33:40.246] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] Using control endpoint 1, interface 0
[11:33:40.246] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] Using data endpoint 2, interface 1
[11:33:40.246] πŸ…Έ device> Get genicam
[11:33:40.247] πŸ…Έ device> MANUFACTURER_NAME =        'IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH'
[11:33:40.249] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_DEVICE_RESPONSE_TIME = 0x0000012c
[11:33:40.249] πŸ…Έ device> DEVICE_CAPABILITY        = 0x0000000000000f0d
[11:33:40.249] πŸ…Έ device> SRBM_ADDRESS =             0x0000000000010000
[11:33:40.249] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST_TABLE_ADDRESS =   0x0000000000150000
[11:33:40.251] πŸ…Έ device> U3VCP_CAPABILITY =         0x0000000000000003
[11:33:40.251] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_CMD_TRANSFER =         0x00000800
[11:33:40.251] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_ACK_TRANSFER =         0x00000800
[11:33:40.251] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_OFFSET =              0x0000000000020000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_INFO =                0x02000000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_CONTROL =             0x00000000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE =    0x000000000004b000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_LEADER_SIZE =     0x00000034
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_TRAILER_SIZE =    0x00000020
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_MAX_LEADER_SIZE =     0x00000034
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_PAYLOAD_SIZE =        0x0004b000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_PAYLOAD_COUNT =       0x00000001
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_TRANSFER1_SIZE =      0x00000000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_TRANSFER2_SIZE =      0x00000000
[11:33:40.256] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_MAX_TRAILER_SIZE =    0x00000020
[11:33:40.258] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST_N_ENTRIES =       0x0000000000000001
[11:33:40.258] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST ENTRY
                         00000000 00 00 01 00 00 04 01 01 48 00 15 00 00 00 00 00  ........H.......
                         00000010 6a 9b 00 00 00 00 00 00 8f e7 e2 94 61 b0 d8 34  j...........a..4
                         00000020 0d a1 45 e9 8d 51 df 28 7b 30 2d 1f 00 00 00 00  ..E..Q.({0-.....
                         00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
[11:33:40.259] πŸ…Έ device> genicam address =          0x0000000000150048
[11:33:40.259] πŸ…Έ device> genicam size    =          0x0000000000009b6a
[11:33:40.547] πŸ…Έ device> zip file =                 U3-386xLE-C_3.20.20255.xml
[11:33:40.562] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (IsSelfClearing)
[11:33:40.568] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.568] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.568] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.568] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.570] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.573] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.576] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[11:33:40.612] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x010a0058 not found
[11:33:40.612] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x010c0059 not found
[11:33:40.612] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x0110000d not found
[11:33:40.612] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x01100011 not found
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAravis:aravis0: Internal data stream error.
Additional debug info:
gstbasesrc.c(3072): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAravis:aravis0:
streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
Execution ended after 0:00:00.000252509
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...
arv-tool-0.8 features
IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH-1409f4e4f184-4108644740 (USB3)
Category    : 'Root'
    Category    : 'TLParamsLockedCategory'
        Integer      : [RW] 'TLParamsLocked'
    Category    : 'AcquisitionControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TriggerSelector'
              * TriggerMode
              * TriggerSource
              * TriggerActivation
              * TriggerSoftware
              * TriggerDelay
              * TriggerDivider
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureStart'
            EnumEntry   : 'FrameStart'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TriggerMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'On'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TriggerSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0Active'
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0Active'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0End'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0Start'
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0End'
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0Start'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput3'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line3'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line1'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Software'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TriggerActivation'
            EnumEntry   : 'LevelLow' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'LevelHigh' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'AnyEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'FallingEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RisingEdge'
        Command      : [WO] 'TriggerSoftware'
        Float        : [RW] 'TriggerDelay'
        Integer      : [RW] 'TriggerDivider'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'AcquisitionMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Continuous'
            EnumEntry   : 'MultiFrame'
            EnumEntry   : 'SingleFrame'
        Integer      : [RW] 'AcquisitionFrameCount'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'SensorShutterMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Rolling'
        Command      : [WO] 'AcquisitionAbort'
        Float        : [RW] 'AcquisitionFrameRateTarget'
        Integer      : [RW] 'SensorFrameTimeClocksTarget'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'AcquisitionFrameRateTargetEnable'
        Integer     : 'SensorLineClocks' (Not available)
        Command      : [WO] 'AcquisitionStart'
        Command      : [WO] 'AcquisitionStop'
        Integer      : [RO] 'SensorClockFrequency'
        Float        : [RW] 'ExposureTime'
        Integer      : [RW] 'SensorExposureTimeClocks'
        Float        : [RW] 'AcquisitionFrameRate'
        Integer      : [RW] 'SensorFrameTimeClocks'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'ExposureMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timed'
    Category    : 'DeviceControl'
        Command      : [WO] 'TimestampReset'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceFirmwareVersion'
        StringReg    : [RW] 'DeviceUserID'
        Command      : [WO] 'DeviceReset'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'DeviceBootStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalCoreErrorReboot'
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalUSBErrorReboot'
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalErrorWhileConfiguring'
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalErrorWhileStarting'
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalErrorReboot'
            EnumEntry   : 'WatchdogRebootAfterBootDataCorruptionError'
            EnumEntry   : 'BootDataCorruptionError'
            EnumEntry   : 'WatchdogRebootAfterFirmwareMissingError'
            EnumEntry   : 'FirmwareMissingError'
            EnumEntry   : 'WatchdogRebootAfterFirmwareCorruptionError'
            EnumEntry   : 'FirmwareCorruptionError'
            EnumEntry   : 'WatchdogRebootAfterRepeatedWatchdogError'
            EnumEntry   : 'RepeatedWatchdogError'
            EnumEntry   : 'WatchdogReboot'
            EnumEntry   : 'OK'
        Integer      : [RO] 'DeviceBootStatusAdditionalInfo1'
        Integer      : [RO] 'DeviceBootStatusAdditionalInfo2'
        Integer      : [RO] 'DeviceLinkSpeed'
        Integer      : [RW] 'DeviceSFNCVersionMajor'
        Integer      : [RW] 'DeviceSFNCVersionMinor'
        Integer      : [RW] 'DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor'
        Command      : [WO] 'ResetToFactoryDefaults'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceFpgaVersion'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'BootOptions'
            EnumEntry   : 'Service'
            EnumEntry   : 'Runtime'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'DeviceScanType'
            EnumEntry   : 'Areascan'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'SensorOperationModeRaw'
            EnumEntry   : 'HighSpeed' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'LinescanSensor' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Linescan' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Default'
            EnumEntry   : 'LongExposure'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'SensorOperationMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'HighSpeed'
            EnumEntry   : 'LinescanSensor'
            EnumEntry   : 'Linescan'
            EnumEntry   : 'Default'
            EnumEntry   : 'LongExposure'
        Float        : [RO] 'DeviceLinkAcquisitionFrameRateLimit'
        Integer      : [RW] 'DeviceLinkThroughputLimit'
        Integer      : [RO] 'DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'DeviceLinkThroughputLimitComponent'
            EnumEntry   : 'Sensor'
            EnumEntry   : 'Link'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceVendorName'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceModelName'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceFamilyName'
        StringReg    : [RW] 'DeviceManufacturerInfo'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceSerialNumber'
        StringReg    : [RO] 'DeviceVersion'
        Command      : [WO] 'DeviceRegistersStreamingStart'
        Command      : [WO] 'DeviceRegistersStreamingEnd'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'DeviceRegistersValid'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'DeviceTemperatureSelector'
              * DeviceTemperature
            EnumEntry   : 'Mainboard'
            EnumEntry   : 'Sensor' (Not available)
        Integer      : [RO] 'IsSensorTempAvailable'
        Float        : [RO] 'DeviceTemperature'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'DeviceClockSelector'
              * DeviceClockFrequency
            EnumEntry   : 'Sensor'
        Float        : [RO] 'DeviceClockFrequency'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'DeviceOpticalFilterType'
            EnumEntry   : 'DL'
            EnumEntry   : 'GL'
            EnumEntry   : 'HQ'
            EnumEntry   : 'None'
            EnumEntry   : 'Unknown'
    Category    : 'TransferControl'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'TransferControlMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Automatic'
    Category    : 'TestControl'
        Integer      : [RW] 'TestPendingAck'
        Command      : [WO] 'TriggerEventTest'
        Command      : [WO] 'TestEventGenerate'
    Category    : 'DigitalIOControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'LineSelector'
              * LineMode
              * LineInverter
              * LineStatus
              * LineSource
              * LineFormat
              * LineNoiseFilterEnable
              * LineNoiseFilterDuration
              * LineNoiseFilterClockFrequency
              * LineNoiseFilterDurationClocks
            EnumEntry   : 'Line3'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line1'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line0'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'LineMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Output'
            EnumEntry   : 'Input'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'LineInverter'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'LineStatus'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'LineFormat'
            EnumEntry   : 'LVTTL'
            EnumEntry   : 'OptoCoupled'
            EnumEntry   : 'TriState'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'LineNoiseFilterEnable'
        Integer      : [RO] 'LineNoiseFilterClockFrequency'
        Integer      : [RW] 'LineNoiseFilterDurationClocks'
        Float        : [RW] 'LineNoiseFilterDuration'
        Integer      : [RO] 'LineStatusAll'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'UserOutputSelector'
              * UserOutputValue
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput3'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput0'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'UserOutputValue'
        Integer      : [RW] 'UserOutputValueAll'
        Integer      : [RW] 'UserOutputValueAllMask'
        Enumeration : 'LineSource' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'FlashActive'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0Active'
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0Active'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureActive'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput3'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
    Category    : 'CounterAndTimerControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'CounterSelector'
              * CounterEventSource
              * CounterEventActivation
              * CounterResetSource
              * CounterResetActivation
              * CounterTriggerSource
              * CounterTriggerActivation
              * CounterReset
              * CounterValue
              * CounterValueAtReset
              * CounterDuration
              * CounterStatus
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'CounterEventSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTriggerMissed'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTrigger'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0End'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0Start'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line3'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line1'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line0'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureEnd'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureStart'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Enumeration : 'CounterEventActivation' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'AnyEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'FallingEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RisingEdge'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'CounterResetSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTriggerMissed'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTrigger'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0End'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0Start'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput3'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line3'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line1'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line0'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureEnd'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureStart'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterTrigger'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Enumeration : 'CounterResetActivation' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'AnyEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'FallingEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RisingEdge'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'CounterTriggerSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTriggerMissed'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTrigger'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0End'
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0Start'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput3'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line3'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line1'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line0'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureEnd'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureStart'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Enumeration : 'CounterTriggerActivation' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'LevelLow' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'LevelHigh' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'AnyEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'FallingEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RisingEdge'
        Command      : [WO] 'CounterReset'
        Integer      : [RW] 'CounterValue'
        Integer      : [RO] 'CounterValueAtReset'
        Integer      : [RW] 'CounterDuration'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'CounterStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterOverflow'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterCompleted'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterActive'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterTriggerWait'
            EnumEntry   : 'CounterIdle'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TimerSelector'
              * TimerDuration
              * TimerValue
              * TimerDelay
              * TimerReset
              * TimerStatus
              * TimerTriggerSource
              * TimerTriggerActivation
            EnumEntry   : 'Timer0'
        Float        : [RW] 'TimerDuration'
        Float        : [RO] 'TimerValue'
        Float        : [RW] 'TimerDelay'
        Command      : [WO] 'TimerReset'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'TimerStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'TimerCompleted'
            EnumEntry   : 'TimerActive'
            EnumEntry   : 'TimerTriggerWait'
            EnumEntry   : 'TimerIdle'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TimerTriggerSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTriggerMissed'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureTrigger'
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0End'
            EnumEntry   : 'Counter0Start'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput3'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserOutput0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line3'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line1'
            EnumEntry   : 'Line0'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureEnd'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureStart'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Enumeration : 'TimerTriggerActivation' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'LevelLow' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'LevelHigh' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'AnyEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'FallingEdge' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RisingEdge'
    Category    : 'ManufacturerInfo'
        Integer      : [RO] 'LogicBoardType'
        Integer      : [RO] 'LogicBoardFirehare'
        Integer      : [RO] 'SensorBoardType'
        Integer      : [RO] 'SensorBoardFirehare'
        Integer      : [RO] 'ConnectorBoardType'
        Integer      : [RO] 'ConnectorBoardFirehare'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'OpticControlPossible'
        StringReg    : [WO] 'AuthenticationControl'
        StringReg    : [WO] 'EnableAuthenticationControl'
    Category    : 'SequencerControl'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'SequencerMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
            EnumEntry   : 'On'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'SequencerConfigurationMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
            EnumEntry   : 'On'
    Category    : 'UserSetControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'UserSetSelector'
              * UserSetLoad
              * UserSetSave
            EnumEntry   : 'LongExposure'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserSet1'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserSet0'
            EnumEntry   : 'Default'
        Command      : [WO] 'UserSetLoad'
        Command     : 'UserSetSave' (Not available)
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'UserSetDefault'
            EnumEntry   : 'LongExposure'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserSet1' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'UserSet0' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Default'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'UserSetFeatureSelector'
              * UserSetFeatureEnable
            EnumEntry   : 'Roi'
            EnumEntry   : 'Core'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'UserSetFeatureEnable'
    Category    : 'FileAccessControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'FileSelector'
              * FileSize
              * FileOperationSelector
              * FileOpenMode
              * FileOpenStatus
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalEventLog'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserData2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserData1'
        Register     : [RW] 'FileAccessBuffer'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'FileOperationSelector'
              * FileOperationExecute
              * FileAccessOffset
              * FileAccessLength
              * FileOperationStatus
              * FileOperationResult
            EnumEntry   : 'Delete'
            EnumEntry   : 'Write' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Read' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Close' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Open'
        Command      : [WO] 'FileOperationExecute'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'FileOpenMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'Write'
            EnumEntry   : 'Read'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'FileOpenStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'OpenWrite'
            EnumEntry   : 'OpenRead'
            EnumEntry   : 'Close'
        Integer     : 'FileAccessOffset' (Not available)
        Integer     : 'FileAccessLength' (Not available)
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'FileOperationStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'Failure'
            EnumEntry   : 'Success'
        Integer      : [RO] 'FileOperationResult'
        Integer      : [RO] 'FileSize'
    Category    : 'FlashControl'
        Float        : [RW] 'FlashStartDelay'
        Integer      : [RW] 'FlashStartDelayClocks'
        Float        : [RW] 'FlashEndDelay'
        Integer      : [RW] 'FlashEndDelayClocks'
        Float        : [RO] 'FlashDuration'
        Integer      : [RO] 'FlashDurationClocks'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'FlashReference'
            EnumEntry   : 'GlobalFlashWindow'
            EnumEntry   : 'ExposureActive'
    Category    : 'I2CControl'
        Command      : [WO] 'I2COperationExecute'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'I2COperationStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'TimeoutError'
            EnumEntry   : 'Error'
            EnumEntry   : 'Ready'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'I2CMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'FastModePLUS'
            EnumEntry   : 'FastMode'
            EnumEntry   : 'StandardMode'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'I2COperationSelector'
            EnumEntry   : 'Write'
            EnumEntry   : 'Read'
        Integer      : [RO] 'I2CDeviceAddressLength'
        Integer      : [RW] 'I2CRegisterAddressLength'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'I2CRegisterAddressEndianness'
            EnumEntry   : 'BigEndian'
            EnumEntry   : 'LittleEndian'
        Integer      : [RW] 'I2CDataLength'
        Integer      : [RW] 'I2CDeviceAddress'
        Integer      : [RW] 'I2CRegisterAddress'
        Integer     : 'I2CData' (Not available)
        Register    : 'I2CTransmitBuffer' (Not available)
        Boolean      : [RW] 'I2CAckPollingEnable'
        Integer      : [RW] 'I2CAckPollingTimeout'
    Category    : 'EventControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'EventSelector'
              * EventNotification
            EnumEntry   : 'EventDropped'
            EnumEntry   : 'CriticalError'
            EnumEntry   : 'Temperature'
            EnumEntry   : 'Error'
        Command      : [WO] 'EventReset'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'EventNotification'
            EnumEntry   : 'Once'
            EnumEntry   : 'On'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Category    : 'EventTestData'
            Integer      : [RW] 'EventTest'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventTestTimestamp'
        Category    : 'EventTemperatureData'
            Integer      : [RW] 'EventTemperature'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventTemperatureTimestamp'
            Float        : [RO] 'EventTemperatureValue'
        Category    : 'EventErrorData'
            Integer      : [RW] 'EventError'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventErrorTimestamp'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventErrorType'
        Category    : 'EventCriticalErrorData'
            Integer      : [RW] 'EventCriticalError'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventCriticalErrorTimestamp'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventCriticalErrorType'
        Category    : 'EventEventDroppedData'
            Integer      : [RW] 'EventEventDropped'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventEventDroppedTimestamp'
            Integer      : [RO] 'EventEventDroppedCount'
    Category    : 'TransportLayerControl'
        Integer      : [RO] 'PayloadSize'
    Category    : 'ProtectionControl'
        StringReg    : [RW] 'ProtectionPassword'
        Command      : [WO] 'ProtectionPasswordCheck'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'ProtectionNodeLockSelector'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserData2'
            EnumEntry   : 'UserData1'
            EnumEntry   : 'DeviceUserID'
            EnumEntry   : 'DeviceManufacturerInfo'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'ProtectionNodeLockEnable'
        Command      : [WO] 'ProtectionReset'
        Command      : [WO] 'ProtectionSave'
    Category    : 'LEDControl'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'LEDSelector'
              * LEDTriggerSource
            EnumEntry   : 'LEDStatus'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'LEDTriggerSource'
            EnumEntry   : 'BlinkingFast'
            EnumEntry   : 'BlinkingSlow'
            EnumEntry   : 'CameraStatus'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
    Category    : 'AnalogControl'
        Integer      : [RO] 'PixelDepthBitPerChannel'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'GainSelector'
              * ADCGainCorrection
              * Gain
            EnumEntry   : 'DigitalBlue'
            EnumEntry   : 'DigitalGreen'
            EnumEntry   : 'DigitalRed'
            EnumEntry   : 'DigitalAll' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'AnalogAll'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'ADCGainCorrection'
        Float        : [RW] 'Gain'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'BlackLevelSelector'
              * BlackLevel
            EnumEntry   : 'Offset16Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'Offset14Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'Offset12Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'Offset10Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'Offset8Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'All16Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'All14Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'All12Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'All10Bit'
            EnumEntry   : 'All8Bit'
        Float        : [RW] 'BlackLevel'
        Integer      : [RW] 'BlackLevelInt'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'BlackLevelAuto'
            EnumEntry   : 'ContinuousWithOffset'
            EnumEntry   : 'Continuous' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
    Category    : 'ImageFormatControl'
        Integer      : [RO] 'SensorWidth'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'SensorPixelSize'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp12'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp10' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp8' (Not available)
        Integer      : [RO] 'IsPixelSizeAvailable'
        Integer      : [RW] 'SensorHeight'
        Integer      : [RO] 'WidthMax'
        Integer      : [RO] 'HeightMax'
        Integer      : [RW] 'Width'
        Integer      : [RW] 'Height'
        Integer      : [RW] 'OffsetX'
        Integer      : [RW] 'OffsetY'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'DecimationSelector'
              * DecimationHorizontal
              * DecimationVertical
            EnumEntry   : 'Region0'
        Integer      : [RW] 'DecimationHorizontal'
        Integer      : [RW] 'DecimationVertical'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'TestPattern'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGAColorStripe'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGAFramecount'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGAGrayscale'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGABlack'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGAChessboard'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGAVerticalGrayscale'
            EnumEntry   : 'FPGAWhite'
            EnumEntry   : 'SequencePattern2'
            EnumEntry   : 'SequencePattern1'
            EnumEntry   : 'GreyDiagonalRampMoving'
            EnumEntry   : 'GreyHorizontalRamp'
            EnumEntry   : 'Off'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'ReverseX'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'ReverseY'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'PixelSize'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp64'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp48'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp36'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp32'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp30'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp24'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp16'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp14'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp12'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp10'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp8'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp4'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp2'
            EnumEntry   : 'Bpp1'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'PixelColorFilter'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG'
            EnumEntry   : 'None'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'PixelFilter'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG'
            EnumEntry   : 'None'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'ComponentSelector'
              * ComponentEnable
              * PixelFormat
            EnumEntry   : 'Intensity'
        Boolean      : [RW] 'ComponentEnable'
        Integer      : [RW] 'ComponentEnableAll'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'PixelFormat'
            EnumEntry   : 'BGR10p32' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RGB10p32' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BGR8' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'RGB8' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG12' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB12' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG12'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR12' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG10' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB10' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG10'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR10' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG12p'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR12p' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB12p' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG12p' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG10p'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR10p' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB10p' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG10p' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerBG8' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGB8' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerRG8'
            EnumEntry   : 'BayerGR8' (Not available)
            EnumEntry   : 'Mono8' (Not available)
        Boolean      : [RO] 'IsBayer8Available'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'IsBayer10Available'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'IsBayer12Available'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'IsBayer10pAvailable'
        Boolean      : [RO] 'IsBayer12pAvailable'
        Integer      : [RO] 'IsPixelFormatAvailable'
        String       : [RW] 'SensorName'
        Float        : [RW] 'SensorPixelWidth'
        Float        : [RW] 'SensorPixelHeight'
    Category    : 'ImageCorrectionControl'
        Enumeration  : [RO] 'ColorCorrectionMatrix'
              * ColorCorrectionMatrixValueSelector
              * ColorCorrectionMatrixValue
              * ColorCorrectionMatrixIntValue
            EnumEntry   : 'HQ'
        Enumeration  : [RW] 'ColorCorrectionMatrixValueSelector'
              * ColorCorrectionMatrixValue
              * ColorCorrectionMatrixIntValue
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain22'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain21'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain20'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain12'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain11'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain10'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain02'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain01'
            EnumEntry   : 'Gain00'
        Float        : [RO] 'ColorCorrectionMatrixValue'
        Integer      : [RO] 'ColorCorrectionMatrixIntValue'
    Category    : 'OpticControl'


Your camera only supports bayer pixel format, which videoconvert does not automatically handle. You have to insert a bayer2rgb element in your pipeline.


Thanks Emmanuel for getting to back me. I was starting to come to the same conclusion. Unfortunately, I’m NOOB with gstreamer syntax. Would mind providing an example or reference material to use gstreamer launch.

I did manage to put this together, it is little bit of progress, but still no video images

RV_DEBUG=all gst-launch-1.0 aravissrc ! video/x-bayer, format=rggb ! bayer2rgb ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink -v > cap.txt
[16:20:02.828] πŸ…Έ interface> Found 1 USB3Vision device (among 6 USB devices)
[16:20:02.830] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] GUID    = 1409f4e4f184
[16:20:02.832] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] Using control endpoint 1, interface 0
[16:20:02.832] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] Using data endpoint 2, interface 1
[16:20:02.832] πŸ…Έ device> Get genicam
[16:20:02.832] πŸ…Έ device> MANUFACTURER_NAME =        'IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH'
[16:20:02.834] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_DEVICE_RESPONSE_TIME = 0x0000012c
[16:20:02.834] πŸ…Έ device> DEVICE_CAPABILITY        = 0x0000000000000f0d
[16:20:02.834] πŸ…Έ device> SRBM_ADDRESS =             0x0000000000010000
[16:20:02.834] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST_TABLE_ADDRESS =   0x0000000000150000
[16:20:02.836] πŸ…Έ device> U3VCP_CAPABILITY =         0x0000000000000003
[16:20:02.836] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_CMD_TRANSFER =         0x00000800
[16:20:02.836] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_ACK_TRANSFER =         0x00000800
[16:20:02.836] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_OFFSET =              0x0000000000020000
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_INFO =                0x02000000
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_CONTROL =             0x00000001
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE =    0x0000000000206080
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_LEADER_SIZE =     0x00000034
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_TRAILER_SIZE =    0x00000020
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_MAX_LEADER_SIZE =     0x00000034
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_PAYLOAD_SIZE =        0x00100000
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_PAYLOAD_COUNT =       0x00000002
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_TRANSFER1_SIZE =      0x00006080
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_TRANSFER2_SIZE =      0x00000000
[16:20:02.846] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_MAX_TRAILER_SIZE =    0x00000020
[16:20:02.848] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST_N_ENTRIES =       0x0000000000000001
[16:20:02.848] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST ENTRY
                         00000000 00 00 01 00 00 04 01 01 48 00 15 00 00 00 00 00  ........H.......
                         00000010 6a 9b 00 00 00 00 00 00 8f e7 e2 94 61 b0 d8 34  j...........a..4
                         00000020 0d a1 45 e9 8d 51 df 28 7b 30 2d 1f 00 00 00 00  ..E..Q.({0-.....
                         00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
[16:20:02.848] πŸ…Έ device> genicam address =          0x0000000000150048
[16:20:02.848] πŸ…Έ device> genicam size    =          0x0000000000009b6a
[16:20:03.135] πŸ…Έ device> zip file =                 U3-386xLE-C_3.20.20255.xml
[16:20:03.151] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (IsSelfClearing)
[16:20:03.156] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.157] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.157] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.157] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.159] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.165] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.169] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[16:20:03.211] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x010a0058 not found
[16:20:03.211] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x010c0059 not found
[16:20:03.211] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x0110000d not found
[16:20:03.211] πŸ†† misc> [PixelFormat::to_gst_caps_string] 0x01100011 not found
[16:20:03.315] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_INFO             = 0x02000000
[16:20:03.315] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_REQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 0x0000000000206080
[16:20:03.315] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_REQ_LEADER_SIZE  = 0x00000034
[16:20:03.315] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_REQ_TRAILER_SIZE = 0x00000020
[16:20:03.315] πŸ…Έ stream> Required alignment    = 4
[16:20:03.318] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_PAYLOAD_SIZE     = 0x00100000
[16:20:03.319] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_PAYLOAD_COUNT    = 0x00000002
[16:20:03.319] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_TRANSFER1_SIZE   = 0x00006080
[16:20:03.319] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_TRANSFER2_SIZE   = 0x00000000
[16:20:03.319] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_MAX_LEADER_SIZE  = 0x00000034
[16:20:03.319] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_MAX_TRAILER_SIZE = 0x00000020
[16:20:03.319] πŸ…Έ stream-thread> Start async USB3Vision stream thread
[16:20:03.479] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.519] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.559] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.599] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.640] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.679] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.719] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.759] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.800] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.840] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.879] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.919] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.960] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:03.999] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:04.040] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:04.080] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
[16:20:04.120] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452

Does arv-camera-test-0.8 work ?

This the result in calling arv-cemera-test

RV_DEBUG=all arv-camera-test-0.8
Looking for the first available camera
[09:23:14.421] πŸ…Έ interface> Found 1 USB3Vision device (among 6 USB devices)
[09:23:14.423] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] GUID = 1409f4e4f184
[09:23:14.426] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] Using control endpoint 1, interface 0
[09:23:14.426] πŸ…Έ device> [UvDevice::new] Using data endpoint 2, interface 1
[09:23:14.426] πŸ…Έ device> Get genicam
[09:23:14.426] πŸ…Έ device> MANUFACTURER_NAME = β€˜IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH’
[09:23:14.428] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_DEVICE_RESPONSE_TIME = 0x0000012c
[09:23:14.428] πŸ…Έ device> DEVICE_CAPABILITY = 0x0000000000000f0d
[09:23:14.428] πŸ…Έ device> SRBM_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000010000
[09:23:14.428] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST_TABLE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000150000
[09:23:14.430] πŸ…Έ device> U3VCP_CAPABILITY = 0x0000000000000003
[09:23:14.430] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_CMD_TRANSFER = 0x00000800
[09:23:14.430] πŸ…Έ device> MAX_ACK_TRANSFER = 0x00000800
[09:23:14.430] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_OFFSET = 0x0000000000020000
[09:23:14.435] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_INFO = 0x02000000
[09:23:14.435] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_CONTROL = 0x00000000
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 0x0000000000206080
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_LEADER_SIZE = 0x00000034
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_REQ_TRAILER_SIZE = 0x00000020
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_MAX_LEADER_SIZE = 0x00000034
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 0x00100000
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_PAYLOAD_COUNT = 0x00000002
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_TRANSFER1_SIZE = 0x00006080
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_TRANSFER2_SIZE = 0x00000000
[09:23:14.436] πŸ…Έ device> SIRM_MAX_TRAILER_SIZE = 0x00000020
[09:23:14.438] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST_N_ENTRIES = 0x0000000000000001
[09:23:14.438] πŸ…Έ device> MANIFEST ENTRY
00000000 00 00 01 00 00 04 01 01 48 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 …H…
00000010 6a 9b 00 00 00 00 00 00 8f e7 e2 94 61 b0 d8 34 j…a…4
00000020 0d a1 45 e9 8d 51 df 28 7b 30 2d 1f 00 00 00 00 …E…Q.({0-…
00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
[09:23:14.438] πŸ…Έ device> genicam address = 0x0000000000150048
[09:23:14.438] πŸ…Έ device> genicam size = 0x0000000000009b6a
[09:23:14.727] πŸ…Έ device> zip file = U3-386xLE-C_3.20.20255.xml
[09:23:14.744] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (IsSelfClearing)
[09:23:14.750] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[09:23:14.750] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[09:23:14.751] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[09:23:14.751] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[09:23:14.752] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[09:23:14.767] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
[09:23:14.770] πŸ…Έ dom> [Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (pBlockPolling)
vendor name = IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH
model name = U3-386xLE-C
device serial number = 4108644740
image width = 1936
image height = 1096
exposure = 37992.2 Β΅s
gain = 3 dB
payload = 2121856 bytes
[09:23:14.782] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_INFO = 0x02000000
[09:23:14.782] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_REQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 0x0000000000206080
[09:23:14.782] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_REQ_LEADER_SIZE = 0x00000034
[09:23:14.782] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_REQ_TRAILER_SIZE = 0x00000020
[09:23:14.782] πŸ…Έ stream> Required alignment = 4
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 0x00100000
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_PAYLOAD_COUNT = 0x00000002
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_TRANSFER1_SIZE = 0x00006080
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_TRANSFER2_SIZE = 0x00000000
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_MAX_LEADER_SIZE = 0x00000034
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream> SIRM_MAX_TRAILER_SIZE = 0x00000020
[09:23:14.785] πŸ…Έ stream-thread> Start async USB3Vision stream thread
[09:23:14.956] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.002] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.036] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.076] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 212756 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.116] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.156] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.196] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.236] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
^C[09:23:15.276] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.316] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.356] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.397] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 278292 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.436] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.477] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 229132 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.517] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.556] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.596] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.636] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.676] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 130836 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.716] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)
[09:23:15.756] πŸ†† stream-thread> Unexpected total payload size (received 114452 - expected 2121856)

I have been doing some digging and I was able to get stream working in IDS Cockpit where the Source Pixel Format is BayerRG12p and Destination Pixel any RGB formats will work.

So! How do go about setting the Source Pixel to BayerRG12p format? I can see in avr-viewer that it’s listed as, but it’s disabled.

Still trying to figure out the gst-launch syntax to be able to set options.

Side note, I setting the auto exposure option and I got this

Sorry for the late reply.

Aravis does not know how to map BayerRG12p to a gstreamer pixel format. The conversion table is here:

But that does not mean it is not possible. If you find a way to express BayerRG12p as a gstreamer caps, we can add it to the list in arvmis.c.
