How to restart aravissrc with gstreamer

Hi @Emmanuel ,

In my application I need the ability to remove and recreate the arravissrc element of the gstreamer pipeline, so that if my camera has any issues I can restart it without having to restart my entire pipeline.

I have tried numerous approaches, and I keep getting an error indicating that I can’t write to the camera after I try to create a new element for it (maybe hinting I am not destroying the camera object correctly).

The error is:
0:00:53.138396384 ␛[336m 893␛[00m 0x559a365370 ␛[33;01mWARN ␛[00m ␛[00m aravissrc gstaravis.c:412:gst_aravis_set_caps:<new_source>␛[00m error: Could not set caps on camera "": [AcquisitionStop] [N105] GigEVision write_memory error (access-denied

I am unable to add the full log / source code as I am a new user.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi Sean,

The ArvCamera object owned by aravissrc is probably not destroyed correctly, and is still in control of the device. It would help if you could open an issue on github with a simple test code axhibiting the issue.


Thank you for the prompt response. I have added the github issue here: