- How to call these 2 functions?
Both of these 2 functions require 2 parameters:
xception has occurred: TypeError
Aravis.Camera.set_gain_auto() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
File "....../arv-camera-test.py", line 34, in <module>
- Why there is ALWAYS such an ERROR while writing into USB3Vision camera?
Exception has occurred: GError
arv-device-error-quark: USB3Vision write_memory error (access-denied) (5)
File "....../arv-camera-test.py", line 31, in <module>
camera.set_region (0,0,1440,1080)
- How to let Aravis automatically find multiple cameras?
I meancamera2 = Aravis.Camera.new (None)
ONLY finds the very FIRST camera, but NOT the other cameras.