Installation issue with Ubuntu

We have 2 cameras and we want to use aravis to develop our payload software using aravis.
We have issues with the installation process. We are using this tutorial for installation but in the last step when we want to compile the compiler throws an error.

I think tha this error is due to the Python3.10 I have in my machine.
We are trying to install the library on Ubuntu 22

/Téléchargements/aravis-0.8.22/build$ ninja install
[0/1] Installing files.
Installation failed due to insufficient permissions.
Attempting to use polkit to gain elevated privileges...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tarik/.local/bin/meson", line 5, in <module>
    from mesonbuild.mesonmain import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mesonbuild'
FAILED: meson-internal__install 
/home/tarik/.local/bin/meson install --no-rebuild
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Thank you in advance for you help

You seem to have a local installation of meson (/home/tarik/.local/bin/meson). Better if you install meson from packages (sudo apt-get install meson), that should pull all necessary modules (like mesonbuild) and install them properly. In short, this is a problem with meson installation, not with Aravis.