Node 'AcquisitionFrameRateAbs' not found

Hi ,

Could you please assist with the following. Currently successfully viewing live streams from a a JAI BM-500GE via the arv-viewer-0.8 but when I try to use the simplest GStreamer command the above topic error occurs.

GStreamer Command : ARV_DEBUG=all ./gst/gst-aravis-launch aravissrc ! videoconvert ! ximagesink is giving the following output:

ARV_DEBUG=all ./gst/gst-aravis-launch aravissrc ! videoconvert ! ximagesink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Found 0 USB3Vision device (among 8 USB devices)
[GvDiscoverSocket::new] Add interface
[GvDiscoverSocket::new] Add interface
[GvDiscoverSocket::new] Add interface
[GvInterface::discovery] Device 'JAI Ltd., Japan     -BM-500GE-U503697' found (interface user_id 'Camera1' - MAC '00:0c:df:04:0d:84'
[GvDevice::new] Interface address =
[GvDevice::new] Device address =
[GvDevice::load_genicam] xml url = ';243C0000;74af' at 0x200
[GvDevice::load_genicam] Xml address = 0x243c0000 - size = 0x74af -
[GvDevice::load_genicam] Zipped xml data
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'ToolTip'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'StandardNameSpace'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'VersionGuid'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'ProductGuid'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'xmlns'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'xmlns:xsi'
[GcFeature::set_attribute] Unknown attribute 'xsi:schemaLocation'
[Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (Streamable)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (Streamable)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (Streamable)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (Streamable)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (Streamable)
[Genicam::create_element] Unknown tag (Streamable)
[Gc::set_default_node_data] Add 'GevSCPSBigEndian'
[Gc::set_default_node_data] Add 'GevSCPAddrCalc'
[GvDevice::new] Packet resend = yes
[GvDevice::new] Write memory = yes
[GvDevice::new] Legacy endianness handling = yes
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAravis:aravis0: Could not read camera "": node 'AcquisitionFrameRateAbs' not found
Additional debug info:
../gst/gstaravis.c(400): gst_aravis_init_error (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAravis:aravis0
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Setting pipeline to READY ...
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...

I’m afraid I am struggling to understand why the same error is not being picked up by the arv-viewer.


Hi Les,

I guess that is because the gstreamer plugin tries to set the camera framerate, where arv-viewer only sets the framerate on user action.

Looking at the code, it seems this camera does not have a AcquisitionFrameRateAbs feature neither a AcquisitionFrameRate one. Could you open a new issue on github about JAI BM-500GE support, and attach to this report the output of arv-tool-0.8 features ?

