Problem receiving frame with a Pleora device

Hi I’m a little new to this, I’m testing with a pleora simulator and aravis8-0-6. From arv-viewer and arv-tools-0.8 I can see the device correctly.

The problem I have is that I cannot display the image, I can only control the configuration from arv-tools-0.8 control to the device without any problem.

The simulator contains PixelMono8, PixelYUV422 and PixelBGR8 so I think this is not the problem.

It seems that the problem is that I am not receiving the stremeing, from ./arv-camera-test I check that I do not receive any frame.

I have configured the simulator with these ports, GVCP 3956 and in GVSP 20202. Firewalld, selinux and MTU disabled and configured.

Is the GVSP configuration correct?

Do I have to control any settings on the device using arv-tool-8.0?

Any other idea?

Thanks a lot.
Miguel Ángel.

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